For a limited time:  Create a SiteBay account and WordPress Site
to try this guide for free.

To prevent additional charges from accruing and stop further billing, you can remove any paid services from your account or cancel your account entirely.

Remove Services

SiteBay services are provided without a contract or commitment. This means that you can remove them from your account at any time. Here are instructions for removing a WordPress Site:

  1. Log in to My SiteBay and select your site’s dashboard.
  2. Go to the tools tab in the Danger zone at the bottom click Delete.
  3. Select Delete Site in the confirmation box that appears.
Removing a service from your account makes its data irretrievable. In the case of a WordPress Site, any corresponding PIT Machine data is also deleted and you will no longer be able to restore from those backup snapshots.

If you would like to preserve your data before removing a site from your account, you need to create an external backup.

Cancel Account

If you no longer wish to use any SiteBay services, you can also cancel your account. When an account is cancelled, you may receive one final bill. This bill includes all charges that have already accrued during the billing period. See Cancel Your Account to learn more.

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