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Creating strong passwords is essential to protecting your SiteBay and your SiteBay My SiteBay account. If you suspect that an unauthorized user has gained access to one of your accounts, you should change the password immediately.

Account passwords must be a minimum of 11 characters in length and be sufficiently complex. Each password is individually analyzed by an algorithmic tool to determine it’s strength. When creating a password, follow the recommendations listed below:

  • Password should be at least 11 characters in length (though longer passwords are considered stronger).
  • Avoid using simple passwords based on dictionary words.
  • Use a mixture of unpredictable uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
  • Avoid repeating characters (aaa), sequences (abcd), and keyboard patterns (qwerty).

Changing or Resetting Your My SiteBay Password

If you want to change your password, or you forgot your password and need a new one, you can accomplish these tasks through the Forgot Password webpage. Here’s how:

  1. Visit the Forgot Password webpage.

  2. Enter your username in the Username field.

    If you’ve forgotten your My SiteBay username, see Recovering a Lost Username.
  3. Click the Reset password button.

  4. Check your email for a message containing further instructions.

  5. Follow the instructions in the email message to reset your password.

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